Self-Assessment Survey (for Homeowner or Renter)
GCHNA maintains our area’s Firewise Community status through the NFPA Firewise USA program.
Every 10 years we need to do a risk assessment and this is the year.
We should know our vulnerabilities.The process starts with a property owner survey of the characteristics of our homes and management of the landscape around them.
We are required to ask all residents in the greater Cement Hill neighborhood to provide information about the characteristics of their homes and the vegetation management within their home ignition zones. This information, as percentages, will be compiled for inclusion in GCHNA’s application to qualify again as Firewise Community. The information gathered will be also used to guide our future efforts to mitigate wildfire risks.
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To help GCHNA’s Firewise Committee with this survey, please fill out and submit your Risk Assesment Survey form by our phase one date of July 1, 2023.
To fill out the survey online:
(Using the online form is very helpful for us.)
To download the printable form to mail in
(or use as a worksheet before you fill it out online):
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- Section A – Home Characteristics is straight forward. The questions are answered yes or no.
- Section B – Areas Outside the Home is divided into zones and is a bit trickier. Many of my answers were no, which meant I needed to figure what percentage of our property met the requirement. For example, there’s a question about whether trees are clustered with 18’ between crowns. Some of our trees are clustered, but not all, so I answered no – 50%. What we need is just an approximation.
- And then there’s the question of when you make your determinations. There were dead leaves all around our house when I checked, but this is April. I answered yes because by fire season, those leaves on the roof and around the house will be blown away. If you plan on weed eating your native grasses before fire season, then answer yes. Do you live on a private road? To what degree is the brush cleared along the sides?
Ellen felt that the exercise was very useful. It refreshed her awareness of what “defensibility” entails.
So, please complete a survey, on or before July 1st.
If you have questions, you can contact the Firewise Committee by sending an email to